First Responders experience high-impact trauma constantly in the course of their careers. This can impact their work performance, career longevity, and interpersonal relationships. Warrior's Rest Foundation provides comprehensive training for First Responders, agency leadership, and their families so they can heal from the effects of frontline trauma. In this line of work, people are taught to be tough, but this can cause systemic issues without the proper systems to process the trauma encountered. We want to help those who serve heal from frontline traumas and empower them to live healthy, productive lives - personally and professionally.
Here is our promise to those who attend our trainings:
> Your Information is Confidential
> No Judgment or Pressure, Everyone Processes Uniquely
> Led by First Responders and First Responder Clinicians
Training Events

Certified Courses through The International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF)