Warrior’s Rest Foundation provides intervention, education, counseling, and peer support in a structured, intensive, three-day seminar environment called Post Critical Incident Seminar (PCIS) for First Responders who have experienced significant critical incidents and these events disrupt their lives. This Seminar is provided to ALL First Responders (current and retired) at no cost other than travel…
In order for Peer Support Teams to be effective and productive, it is essential that they continue to develop and grow. This class identifies the factors that can impact the success or failure of a peer team, such as the selection process, training, leadership, roles, SOPs/policies, succession planning, confidentiality/credibility and self-care. We will look at…
This 4-day course combines ALL the content of ICISF’s Assisting Individuals in Crisis & Group Crisis Intervention courses. Crisis Intervention is NOT psychotherapy; rather, it is a specialized acute emergency mental health intervention which requires specialized training. As physical first aid is to surgery, crisis intervention is to psychotherapy. Thus, crisis intervention is sometimes called…
Course Description: Crisis Intervention is NOT psychotherapy; rather, it is a specialized acute emergency mental health intervention that requires specialized training. As physical first aid is to surgery, crisis intervention is to psychotherapy. Thus, crisis intervention is sometimes called “emotional first aid.” This program is designed to teach participants the fundamentals of, and a specific…
Course Description: Designed to present the core elements of a comprehensive, systematic and multi-component crisis intervention curriculum, the Group Crisis Intervention course will prepare participants to understand a wide range of crisis intervention services. Fundamentals of Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) will be outlined and participants will leave with the knowledge and tools to provide…