Assisting Individuals in Crisis (Stillwater, OK)

Stillwater Public Library Stillwater Public Library, Room # 119, 1107 S. Duck Street, OK, United States

ASSISTING INDIVIDUALS in CRISIS is PHASE 1 of the process required to become a trained “Peer Support Responder”. This is a 2-day course of “Initial Peer Support Training” / Critical…


Surviving and Thriving, First Responder Wellness

This course identifies the biological and emotional reactions to workplace stress, hypervigilance, and trauma to illustrate the impact of a First Responders work environment. This course discusses a person’s support…

Surviving and Thriving Your Career as a 1st Responder

Altus City Council Chamber 509 S Main St, Altus, OK, United States

This course identifies the biological and emotional reactions to workplace stress, hypervigilance, and trauma to illustrate the impact of a First Responders work environment. This course discusses a person’s support…


Surviving and Thriving Your Career as a First Responder

Altus City Council Chamber 509 S Main St, Altus, OK, United States

This course identifies the biological and emotional reactions to workplace stress, hypervigilance, and trauma to illustrate the impact of a First Responders work environment. This course discusses a person’s support…


Surviving and Thriving Your Career as a 1st Responder

Altus City Council Chamber 509 S Main St, Altus, OK, United States

This course identifies the biological and emotional reactions to workplace stress, hypervigilance, and trauma to illustrate the impact of a First Responders work environment. This course discusses a person’s support…


Peer Support – Team Building and Beyond

UCM Elliott Student Union, Room #240 - Sandra Temple Ballroom 511 S. Holden Street, Warrensburg, MO, United States

Prerequisite Course to attend: ICISF - Assisting Individuals in Crisis & Group Crisis Intervention The goal of this training is to assist First Responder Peer Teams in building sustainable peer…

Group Crisis Intervention / Peer Support (Poteau, OK)

Kiamichi Tech Seminar Center - Poteau Campus 1509 South Mckenna St, Poteau, OK, United States

GROUP CRISIS INTERVENTION is PHASE 2 of the “Initial Peer Support Training” in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) and is a 2-day course which prepares the Peer to provide CISM…


Group Crisis Intervention / Peer Support (Muskogee, OK)

Muskogee Civic Center - Rooms C and D 425 Boston St, Muskogee, OK, United States

GROUP CRISIS INTERVENTION is PHASE 2 of the “Initial Peer Support Training” in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) and is a 2-day course which prepares the Peer to provide CISM…
