Assisting Individuals in Crisis (Poteau, OK)
Kiamichi Tech - Poteau Seminar Center, Poteau, OK, United StatesASSISTING INDIVIDUALS in CRISIS is PHASE 1 of the process required to become a trained “Peer Support Responder”. This is a 2-day course of “Initial Peer Support Training” / Critical…
Assisting Individuals in Crisis & Group Crisis Intervention (3-day GRIN Course) Boonville, MO
Turner Hall 518 Vine St, Boonville, MO, United StatesThis 3-day course combines ALL the content of ICISF’s Assisting Individuals in Crisis & Group Crisis Intervention courses. Crisis Intervention is NOT psychotherapy; it is a specialized acute emergency mental…
Assisting Individuals in Crisis (Stillwater, OK)
Stillwater Public Library Stillwater Public Library, Room # 119, 1107 S. Duck Street, OK, United StatesASSISTING INDIVIDUALS in CRISIS is PHASE 1 of the process required to become a trained “Peer Support Responder”. This is a 2-day course of “Initial Peer Support Training” / Critical…
Assisting Individuals in Crisis & Group Crisis Intervention (3-day GRIN Course)Saint Joseph, MO
Buchanan County EMS Post 4 1606 Commerce Ave, Saint Joseph, MO, United StatesThis 3-day course combines ALL the content of ICISF’s Assisting Individuals in Crisis & Group Crisis Intervention courses. Crisis Intervention is NOT psychotherapy; it is a specialized acute emergency mental…
Assisting Individuals in Crisis & Group Crisis Intervention (3-day GRIN Course) Dexter, MO
Stoddard County Ambulance District 501 W Business Hwy 60, Dexter, MO, United StatesThis 3-day course combines ALL the content of ICISF’s Assisting Individuals in Crisis & Group Crisis Intervention courses. Crisis Intervention is NOT psychotherapy; rather, it is a specialized acute emergency…
Assisting Individuals in Crisis & Group Crisis Intervention (3-day GRIN Course)Jefferson City, MO
Jefferson City Police Department - Training Classroom 401 Monroe St., Jefferson City, MO, United StatesThis 3-day course combines ALL the content of ICISF’s Assisting Individuals in Crisis & Group Crisis Intervention courses. Crisis Intervention is NOT psychotherapy; it is a specialized acute emergency mental…
Group Crisis Intervention / Peer Support (Poteau, OK)
Kiamichi Tech Seminar Center - Poteau Campus 1509 South Mckenna St, Poteau, OK, United StatesGROUP CRISIS INTERVENTION is PHASE 2 of the “Initial Peer Support Training” in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) and is a 2-day course which prepares the Peer to provide CISM…
Group Crisis Intervention / Peer Support (Muskogee, OK)
Muskogee Civic Center - Rooms C and D 425 Boston St, Muskogee, OK, United StatesGROUP CRISIS INTERVENTION is PHASE 2 of the “Initial Peer Support Training” in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) and is a 2-day course which prepares the Peer to provide CISM…
Assisting Individuals in Crisis & Group Crisis Intervention (3-day GRIN Course) O’Fallon, MO
St. Charles County Police Department 101 Sheriff Dierker Court, O'Fallon, MO, United StatesThis 3-day course combines ALL the content of ICISF’s Assisting Individuals in Crisis & Group Crisis Intervention courses. Crisis Intervention is NOT psychotherapy; it is a specialized acute emergency mental…
ASSISTING INDIVIDUALS in CRISIS / Peer Support (Durant, OK #1)
Durant Regional Emergency Operations Center Durant Regional EOC, 5861 Cessna Drive, United StatesASSISTING INDIVIDUALS in CRISIS is PHASE 1 of the process to become a trained “Peer Support Responder”. This is a 2-day course of “Initial Peer Support Training” / Critical Incident…
ASSISTING INDIVIDUALS in CRISIS / Peer Support (Durant, OK #2)
Durant Regional Emergency Operations Center Durant Regional EOC, 5861 Cessna Drive, United StatesASSISTING INDIVIDUALS in CRISIS is PHASE 1 of the process to become a trained “Peer Support Responder”. This is a 2-day course of “Initial Peer Support Training” / Critical Incident…
Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits 701 N. Lindsay Ave, Oklahoma City, OK, United StatesASSISTING INDIVIDUALS in CRISIS is PHASE 1 of the process to become a trained “Peer Support Responder”. This is a 2-day course of “Initial Peer Support Training” / Critical Incident…